MAA Minutes 11.02.21 approved

November 2, 2021 - 19:00:00

Present: Acting President Debbie Tutt, Secretary Darlene Aiello, Treasurer David Tutt, Membership Chairperson Ryan Gresham, Area Reps Tom Chinchiolo, Angelo Aiello, Lola Malet

Not Present: Nicole Solari

Guests: Traci Lowery, Gordon Rupp, Rocky (Sheriff’s Dept), Battalion Chief Scott Byous

Debbie Tutt opened meeting at 7:03pm

Ryan Gresham led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Darlene Aiello stated the October 5 minutes were emailed to all Board members, no corrections were noted, minutes approved.

David Tutt gave quick update on Treasurer Report to date. For the period from October 5 to date

(Nov 2, 2021), he stated MAA has collected $1,050 in membership fees and $320 in advertising fees.

During the month, expenses were $1,645 on the Member Appreciation Dinner, and $75 in raffle prizes for the Truck or Treat. There are currently no outstanding debts.

David also reported the MAA had $33,000 set aside for scholarships, and as of 2021, we have awarded $31,000. David made a motion to devote $30,000 from the MAA General Fund toward the scholarship program to keep it going. Angelo seconded the motion. All MAA Board members were in agreement as this program has been a great incentive for memberships.

Scott Byous gave an update on the WMFD Trunk or Treat event. Engineer Brady, Captain Vitz, and many of the fire personnel were on hand to participate and to help make this event successful. He said they were very happy with the turnout, appreciated the help and co-hosting by the MAA. He said they had over 700 adults and kids, the Taco Truck was a hit to have on site, and the food drive resulted in approximately 700 pounds of food that was donated to the local food bank for people in need.

Scott also stated the Santa Cruising Morada was still planned to be in effect, dates will be 12/13, 12/15 and 12/17; however, the stops for cookies, cocoa and photos with Santa have not been determined at this time. Engineer Megan Brady will be in charge of this event, and will get the details to us as soon as she confirms. That information will be made available via Facebook, Nextdoor and Neighborhood Watch.

He also said that over the last three weeks, the WMFD personnel have been training on structure fires, multi-story structures, advancing baselines, etc. They will pick up on more training in April.

The project construction on Station 2 is moving forward, with bids due in by November 18.

Rocky from Sheriff’s Department gave updates. He said Deputy Dupriest could not be at the meeting tonight since their unit were working on the special task force to be ended by Friday, Nov. 5. He could not talk about the task force while they were still working on the case, however would discuss more at our next meeting.

He also said by March they should have a full team of 12 personnel to work on stopping crime and working with community issues. The Ag Net Crew Team will have a total of 47 people.

District Reps discussed issues and concerns from their areas:

Tom Chinchiolo has had several neighbors complain about the speeding on Morada Lane and Hildreth. Also, they are still seeing golf carts speeding around at unsafe speeds, some with children. There have been several near collisions. Debbie Tutt explained that only residents on the street where the speeding is being done can sign a petition to get the county to look at the issue. Then they will set up speed radar equipment to monitor the situation. Residents should go online for the petition form.

Lola Malet spoke about several complaints from her neighbors on Barre regarding a house that looks abandoned, weeds getting high, toilet in front yard, has become an eyesore. The address is 5509 Barre and the house does have people living in it. Sheriff says as long as the house is following rules, nothing really can be done.

Debbie Tutt talked about a house with a big trailer filled with trash, parked on Trenton, has traffic at all times of day and night. She did send Deputy Dupriest a picture and text, and he responded back that he will check on it.

Traci Lowery discussed the speeding that has gotten out of hand by the railroad tracks around Morada Lane, Ashley Lane, and Frontage Road. Traci has also witnessed golf carts, near collisions, speeding. Recommended we look up the traffic collision reports online to share the number of reports with the community.

Traci also said the empty lot near Foppiano and Frontage has again started having some dumping and homeless activity. This is private property and no one should be on the lot. Donna Augustin did talk with Bill Fields, who is going to discuss this issue with the property owner to see if he will put a fence around it.

David Tutt brought up the insurance policy that MAA has renewed every year as protection over our organization. The policy will be up for renewal on January 7, 2022, cost is $997, and he asked for a motion to pay this policy before the new Board takes effect in January. A vote was taken, all members agreed, bill will be paid.

Debbie Tutt stated the Planning, Building & Code Enforcement meeting regarding the proposed lot on Eight Mile Road to be re-zoned and turned into a truck parking, truck sales business has been postponed to November 18.

She also said that Supervisor Winn’s term is up 2022, and we have a resident, Paul Brennon of Linden who will be running for this position of District Supervisor 4. He asked if he could put an ad in our Monitor stating his position.

Meeting was adjourned 8:05pm